(1.5 Ethics CE) How to Address Religion and Spirituality in a Therapeutic Setting by Sheila Nolan

$15.00 - Member price
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How to Address Religion and Spirituality in a Therapeutic Setting by Sheila Nolan, LMHP, LPC 1.5 Hour Ethics CE, meets requirements for Nebraska licensure requirements. Certificate sent digitally within 72 hours, after the successful completion of CE quiz with a passing score of 8/10. In this training I will address how to ethically and responsibly address religion and spirituality within a therapeutic setting. Spirituality and religion will be defined. We will discuss the significance of this aspect of the client's sense of self and the positive and negative impacts religion and spirituality can have on clients and the therapeutic process. The group will talk about gaps in competency, the taboo associated with talking about spirituality, biases and how to create a safe space for clients. The group will discuss how to include this topic in the intake process and best practices to support clients with values and beliefs that differ from our own. There will be discussion about mental health assessment of "unusual" perceptions and beliefs. The training will address the risk of harm from avoiding this topic as well as how this ties into diversity and culture ethics. Presentation Slides Presentation Video Presentation Quiz © Nebraska Counseling Association and www.necounseling.org, 2024. Unauthorized use, sharing, or or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
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